Honorable Steve Kagen, M.D.

Wisconsin's former 8th District Representative

January 4, 2007 to December 22, 2010

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Kagen Statement on Veterans Day


November 11, 2010



APPLETON, W.I..- Congressman Steve Kagen, M.D. released the following statement in recognition of Veterans Day:

“On Veterans Day, we all honor the brave men and women and their families who have served our nation with courage, honor and incredible skill.  They protect our backs and we must always have theirs. 

“During my time in Congress, I was honored to have the opportunity to deliver veterans across Northeast Wisconsin the benefits they have earned.  While I was able to celebrate many successes, such as bringing the new Milo C. Huempfner Outpatient Surgery Center and Community based Outpatient Clinic to Green Bay and restoring the promise of a full four-year college education for our heroes, I leave with one key pursuit unfulfilled.

“For nearly four years, I have sought to enact a new Agent Orange law to cover our Vietnam War veterans for gastrointestinal cancers caused by their exposure to this exfoliant in Southeast Asia.  Such cancers have taken the lives of warriors like Edward McAllister from Suamico, who passed earlier this year without receiving the benefits he deserved from the Veterans Administration.  

“Several more Vietnam veterans from the 8th Congressional District continue to suffer from cancers related to Agent Orange, and I urge the 112th Congress to act on the legislation I introduced that would secure treatments for our nation’s Veterans for this service connected illness.  Caring for our veterans once they return from war must be a top priority for every citizen and for the next Congress.

“And, as we move forward together, let’s continue to pay tribute to the legacy of our veterans as we build a better future for all of us.



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