Honorable Steve Kagen, M.D.

Wisconsin's former 8th District Representative

January 4, 2007 to December 22, 2010

Historical Congressional Website

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Kagen Statement Recognizing Gold Star Mother’s Day


September 25, 2010


APPLETON, W.I.- Congressman Steve Kagen, M.D. released the following statement in recognition of Gold Star Mother’s Day this Sunday, September 26:

“On behalf of the over 700,000 Northeast Wisconsin residents I have the honor of representing, I want to pay tribute to the thousands of military families who have paid the ultimate sacrifice – the loss of a son or daughter fighting for our freedoms overseas.

“This Sunday, we honor those mothers who continue to share the spirit of their brave sons and daughters who lost their lives defending our freedom. Gold Star Mothers across Northeast Wisconsin continue to serve our nation by offering emotional support to each other, volunteering at veterans hospitals and clinics, helping military families, and by assisting today’s soldiers with care package drives and other worthy endeavors.”

“Let us not forget the sacrifices these families have paid, and let us honor the lives of their sons and daughters by working to improve the lives of our nation’s soldiers and veterans."

Since 1936, our nation has honored the mothers of children killed in defense of our nation, with Gold Star Mother’s Day on the last Sunday in September.  Military families since WWI have flown a Service Flag to signify a loved one’s absence fighting for our nation. The Service Flag had a star for each family member in the military–a blue star symbolizing a living family member or a gold star signifying the ultimate sacrifice, a family member who lost their life.



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