Honorable Steve Kagen, M.D.

Wisconsin's former 8th District Representative

January 4, 2007 to December 22, 2010

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Kagen Applauds ITC Ruling Against Chinese Steel Imports

Posted on Jan 2, 2010 by


January 2, 2010



(APPLETON, WI)  Congressman Steve Kagen, M.D. released the following statement commending the U.S. International Trade Commission’s unanimous ruling this week to impose tariffs on steel pipe imports from China.

"2010 started out on the right note," Congressman Kagen said when notified of the unanimous 6-0 ruling by the International Trade Commission in favor of duties placed against Chinese-made steel pipe imports because of unfair illegal Chinese government subsidies.

The ITC ruled in support of the U.S. Commerce Department decision to impose tariffs on $2.8 billion in steel-pipe imports from China after saying subsidies on the products may harm American steelmakers.

"I call upon the Obama Administration to continue pushing back against all illegal trading activities and to work with me to begin to establish balanced trade agreements with all of our trading partners like China."

"China should play fair and take our values – not our jobs," Dr. Kagen said.


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