Kagen Works to Save Green Bay Post Offices
November 4, 2009
Contact: Jake Rubin
(202) 225-5665
(WASHINGTON, DC) Congressman Steve Kagen, M.D. is working hard to save the Green Bay Post offices and the jobs they create which support our communities and hard working families. Kagen was pleased to learn that postal service employees at the Green Bay plant will be able to keep their jobs during a possible consolidation.
“I will continue fighting to keep these jobs and to keep them in Green Bay,” said Kagen. “I have received assurances that the hard working people at the post office in Green Bay will remain and I am confident that the post office will find alternative cost-saving measures.”
The United States Postal Service (USPS) has experienced a reduction in mail volume of nearly 20% in the past two years due to the recession, diversion of hard copy correspondence and transactions to electronic media, and changing customer needs. Congressman Kagen was made aware of the fact that the USPS was conducting an Area Mail Processing feasibility study and focusing on Green Bay.
Responding to constituent concerns, Congressman Kagen wrote a letter to David F. Martin, District Manager for the Lakeland District of the United Postal Service on October 5, 2009, saying:
“Recently, I have been made aware of the possibility of changes at the United States Postal Service (USPS) Post Office in Green Bay, Wisconsin. These changes may have a significant negative effect upon the local economy and accordingly, I am seeking your assistance. Specifically, I request that you take actions necessary to maintain the USPS Processing and Distribution Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin. I would appreciate your personal assurances that the USPS has no intention of closing the Green Bay Post Office or reducing any of these essential Green Bay jobs, which support our communities and many hard working families.”
Mr. Martin responded in a letter to Congressman Kagen dated October 29, 2009, saying:
“The Postal Service is only reviewing local mail processing and transportations operations at this time. Most operations currently performed at our Green Bay plant will remain as this study is not about closing the facility. Therefore, all Postal Service employees at the Green Bay plant can be assured that they will remain gainfully employed in the Postal Service if the consolidation moves forward.”
The letter goes on to say, “There will be no change in street collection box pick-up times, no change in hours at Post Office retail counters and no change in the house of operation at the Bulk Mail Acceptance United at the Green Bay plant due to the consolidation.”
Also, “The Green Bay Post Office would continue to provide a local postmark at the retail counter.”
In an email to membership, Paul Jadin, President of the Green Bay Chamber of Commerce, said, “Congressman Steve Kagen should be thanked for doing all he can to retain the facility.”
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