Honorable Steve Kagen, M.D.

Wisconsin's former 8th District Representative

January 4, 2007 to December 22, 2010

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Requests for Highway Projects in Northeast Wisconsin


May 15, 2009

Congressman Steve Kagen, M.D. submitted the following requests to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

Menominee Tribal Transit Bus Capital – The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is requesting funds to purchase replacement buses for Menominee Tribal Transit, which serves as a regional provider of transportation over a large rural area.  These new buses will be more fuel efficient, and accessible to the elderly and disabled. 
Project Request: $600,000

Oneida Tribal Transit Bus Capital – The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is requesting funding to purchase replacement buses for Oneida Tribal Transit, which serves as a regional provider of transportation over a large rural area.  These new buses will be more fuel efficient, and accessible to the elderly and disabled. 
Project Request: $600,000

Valley Transit System – The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is requesting funds to replace buses that have reached or exceeded their useful lives as defined by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).  These new buses will provide businesses the opportunity to access a larger range of potential employees.  In addition, they will allow increase access to seniors, the disabled and potential employment, while reducing emissions.  
Project Request: $3,000,000

Green Bay Metro Transit System – The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is requesting funds to replace buses that have reached or exceeded their useful lives as defined by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).  These new buses will provide businesses the opportunity to access a larger range of potential employees.  In addition, they will allow increase access to seniors, the disabled and potential employment, while reducing emissions.  
Project Request: $3,000,000

USH 51 (CTH K – N. Jct. STH 70) – The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is requesting funding for roadway and bridge improvements over a 20-mile stretch of USH 51 between CTH K in Oneida County, WI, and the northern USH 51/STH 70 intersection in Vilas County.  USH is the primary north-south roadway in the region, providing visitors with access to major tourism destination in northern Wisconsin, and an artery to markets to the south for the region’s industries. 
Project Request: $25,400,000

USH 41 (STH 125 & STH 96 Interchanges) – The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is requesting funds to add auxiliary lane on USH 41 between STH 125 and STH 96, and make several improvements at the USH 41/STH 125 interchange and the USH 41/STH 96 interchange near Appleton.  These changes would increase safety and mobility in the corridor. 
Project Request: $4,100,000

USH 41 (STH 47 Interchange) – The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is requesting funding to raise and redeck two interchanges in the interchange; replace three signal-controlled intersections on STH 47 with roundabouts.  In addition, these funds would add a shared-use path for bicycles and pedestrians along both sides of STH 47. 
Project Request: $5,800,000

STH 96 (Fox River Bridge) – The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is requesting funds to replace the STH 96 bridge over the Fox River in Wrightstown, WI, and realign and reconstruct the approaches to the bridge.  The existing structure is 75 years old and the nearing the end of its assumed 80-year service life.  Moreover, the bridge has other numerous deficiencies, including a substandard roadway width.
Project Request: $11,500,000

USH 41 (Morris Avenue – Ninth Avenue) – As part of a multi-year improvement, The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is requesting funding to upgrade USH 41 in Brown County that would include an interchange at CTH VK (Lombardi Avenue).  These enhancements would heighten safety, create numerous jobs, and advance traffic flow while reducing emissions.
Project Request: $42,000,000

City of Algoma Ferryboat – The City of Algoma is requesting funds to construct a new breakwater during the first phase.  During the next phase, the ferryboat docking and loading facility would be built, accompanied by dredging of the area to proper depth.  The last phase would assemble the ferryboat terminal and parking facilities.  This project would enrich the businesses community as well as the lives of the City’s residents. 
Project Request: $7,200,000

CTH “CE” & CTH “HH”/Debruin Road – Outagamie County, the Town of Buchanan, and the Village of Combined Locks are requesting funding to construct a two lane roundabout at the CTH “CE” and CTH “HH”/Debruin Road intersection.  The CTH CE corridor connects residents and businesses from the City of Appleton to the City of Kaukauna, and the other communities in between, including the Village of Kimberly, the Village of Combined Locks and the Town of Buchanan.  This project would improve safety, and increase residential growth and economic development.    
Project Request: $1,520,000

CTH JJ Bridge – Menominee River – CTH JJ to STH 180 Deck – Marinette County is requesting funds to design the deck replacement for the CTH JJ Bridge over the Menominee River, and construct the replacement deck, including 2.7 miles of maintenance overlay along CTH JJ to STH 180.  Agricultural, industrial, commercial/retail and residential users would benefit from the proposed project.  It would correct the structural deficiencies and accommodate the heavier weight loads associated with Michigan motor carrier laws.      
Project Request: $640,000

CTH B Pavement from CTH D in Peshtigo – Village of Coleman – Marinette County is requesting funding to reconstruct the existing 22’ asphalt pavement along CTH B from CTH D in Peshtigo west 13 miles to the east limits of the Village of Coleman.  CTH B serves as the primary connector between the communities of Peshtigo/Marinette at the eastern project limits and the Coleman/Pound area at the western limits.  Due to the narrow paved surface, the corridor has become a candidate for improved safety considerations.  Agricultural, industrial, commercial/retail and residential users would benefit from the proposed project. 
Project Request: $1,820,000


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