Honorable Steve Kagen, M.D.

Wisconsin's former 8th District Representative

January 4, 2007 to December 22, 2010

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Kagen Announces Applications for GI Bill Benefits Begin May 1st

Press Release

Media Contact:
Jake Rubin 202.225.5665


Eligible veterans able to apply online tomorrow

April 30, 2009

Appleton, WI — Congressman Steve Kagen, M.D. is working hard to guarantee our soldiers the benefits they have earned – before, during and after they serve in harm’s way.  Kagen is proud to announce that eligible veterans can begin applying for benefits under the 21st Century GI Bill on Friday, May 1, 2009.

“Our brave soldiers covered our backs, and now it is our turn to cover theirs,” said Kagen.  “I was proud to be a part of legislation to make a first-class education available to our men and women in uniform and now they can take advantage of this opportunity.”

Kagen voted for the 21st Century GI Bill which passed as part of the FY 2008 Supplemental Appropriations Act on Thursday, June 19, 2008.  The bill expands the education benefits veterans receive under the GI Bill to restore the promise of a full, four-year college education and make the veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan part of an American economic recovery, just like World War II veterans a generation ago.

Veterans eligible for education benefits under the 21st Century GI Bill are able to apply for benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs online beginning Friday, May 1.

Applicants can apply through an online form at:  http://www.vba.va.gov/pubs/forms/VBA-22-1990-ARE.pdf

You can find more information at the GI Bill web site www.gibill.va.gov or by calling the GI Bill Hotline: 1-888-GI-BILL-1

Members of the military who have served on active duty since September 11, 2001, including activated reservists and members of the National Guard, receive up to four academic years of education benefits, including stipends for housing and books.  Veterans will have up to 15 years after they leave active duty to use their education benefits.  Payments will be processed beginning August 1.

“I urge veterans in Northeast Wisconsin to contact their County Veterans Services Officers or my office to learn about taking advantage of this opportunity,” said Kagen.


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